Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church


our Pastor & Wife's 27th Anniversary on November 10th during 11:00 Service


We are in the Building and on YouTube! We would love to see you in the Building.  You can give your Tithes and Offering by clicking on Online Giving and pick what you are giving to.

Hopefully we will see you in the Building.

May God Bless you!


Online on YouTube every Sunday at 11:00 am

You can watch any of our Services  

on our

YouTube Channel


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Due to the virus our services have changed:


Sunday - 11:00 am

Worship Service in Building and on YouTube

Sunday School is held during this time

Tuesday - 7:30 pm

7:30 pm - Mission & Brotherhood on Zoom


Every 2nd & 4th Saturday

10:00 am - Youth Meetings

Other Ministries & Meetings

Usher Board - TBA

Adult Choir Rehearsal - TBA

Nurse's Guild - TBA

Pastor's Aide - TBA